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Men's Basketball
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Raiders Basketball Camps

Roane State Raiders 2024 Basketball Camps

You can go to a basketball camp sponsored by a large university and pay $400-500 for an image.

You can attend a team camp where you may think you have taken care of your need for development over the summer.

Or, you can come to the Roane State Basketball Camp and learn things about the game you never knew existed. We will break down proven techniques into small, manageable and detailed steps.

The camps, which are open to boys and girls who will be in third to tenth grades, are led by Roane State head men’s basketball coach Alan Holt who coached the Raiders to their first-ever TCCAA/NJCAA Region VII championship and trip to the NJCAA National Tournament.

2024 Camps

All camps include expert instruction, a camp t-shirt and supplemental insurance.

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. the first day of the camp.

Where? Roane State Community College, Harriman

Open to any and all players ages 6-15

Spots are limited, register today!

Campers may bring their lunches or purchase food and drinks at the concessions stand located in the gym.

Email Head Basketball Coach Alan Holt with questions:

Submitting Application and Payment

Complete the online application (below)

Bring payment (check, cash or money order) to registration. If check or money order, please make out the check to “Roane State Basketball Camp.” Include the name of the attendee on the memo line.

Alternatively, checks may be mailed to:

Alan Holt
Roane State Basketball Camp
276 Patton Lane
Harriman, Tennessee 37748

Mailed checks must be received a minimum of three (3) business days before the camp begins.

Camp Application

Camp Selection


WAIVER AND RELEASE: In consideration of my application being accepted, I intending to be legally bound, do hereby for myself, heirs, executors and administrators, waiver, release, and forever discharge any anal all rights for damages which I may have or which may hereafter accrue to me against Roane State Community College, the Roane State Athletics Department, Roane State Basketball Camps, Alan Holt, or their respective employees, officers, agents, representatives, successors and/or assigns, for any and all damages which may be sustained or suffered by my in connection with my association with or participation in or rising out of my traveling to and returning from said school to be participate in on the campus of Roane State Community College.


Alan Holt - Head Coach

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